Acceptable Use Agreement
The authors of these math and science performance tasks have agreed to share their work publicly with educators in Los Angeles County. The actions individual users take may have an impact on the integrity of the tasks and the maintenance of the task banks. We ask that all visitors to the site follow this Acceptable Use Policy:
Acceptable Use:
- Tasks are intended for formative use in an educational setting with students.
- Tasks may distributed within an educational setting.
- Tasks may be shared with parents for communication of student performance expectations.
- Districts may provide links to the LACOE Math and NGSS Performance assessment task banks from their district websites, teacher webpages, and digital classroom portals.
Prohibited Actions:
- These tasks are provided for formative assessment use in the classroom. Tasks should not be used for high stakes purposes such as grading and placement.
- Selling of tasks is strictly prohibited.
Any use of these tasks, whole or in part, should be attributed as follows: This performance task was co-authored by the Los Angeles County Office of Education, Regional Cohort Task Writing Teams, and assessment experts from Stanford SCALE and WestEd.
By clicking, “I agree” you are agreeing to the above Los Angeles County Department of Education’s Acceptable Use Agreement. If this agreement is violated LACOE reserves the right to block access to the task bank.